Carey donates hand sanitizer to State of Connecticut

Carey donates hand sanitizer to State of Connecticut

When the word went out that the State of Connecticut was looking for Covid-related items like gloves, masks and hand sanitizer, Carey was happy to help.

Ken Byer, President explains: “We’ve worked with many non-profits and made many charitable donations over our long history, but never anything this large!  We were able to mobilize quickly and worked with the State to transfer a large amount of hand sanitizer to their reserve warehouse during the height of the pandemic.   It’s all part of being a good corporate citizen!”

Product Highlight: Victory Handheld Electrostatic Sprayer (w/ Video)

Product Highlight: Victory Handheld Electrostatic Sprayer (w/ Video)

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected all of us, and it’s become more important than ever to protect your people– and the health of your business– by maintaining the highest possible standard of cleanliness and safety. For that reason, you should definitely check out the superior disinfectant coverage offered by electrostatic sprayers from Victory Innovations.

Electrostatic sprayers use a positive electrical charge– a static charge!— that makes disinfectant chemicals “stick” to smooth and irregular surfaces, which ensures that your chemical cleaning solutions cover the entire surface you spray. That’s including hard to reach areas and angled/inverted surfaces, too!

The best part? With an electrostatic sprayer, you’ll be able to deliver a cleaner, safer environment for your business and your customer using fewer chemicals and in just a fraction of the time– and your customers will definitely appreciate your investment in their continued health and well-being.

If you want to get started today, click here to place your order (don’t forget: login first to see your best prices). If you’re not quite ready, reach out to one of Carey Wiper & Supply’s industry experts and find out more about this innovative new cleaning product. In the meantime, take a few moments to check out this quick demonstration video, below, along with a side-by-side comparison of the Victory handheld electrostatic sprayer and a conventional, 32 oz. spray bottle. It will really open your eyes!


Victory Innovations Handheld Electrostatic Sprayer

You Should Subscribe to the Carey Newsletter

You Should Subscribe to the Carey Newsletter

We understand. You get enough emails, right? And too many of those emails are selling you something? Believe me, we get the same emails– but every now and then there’s a good one. There’s a sale on that watch you were looking at, or a coupon for that restaurant you’ve been thinking of ordering from. Well, imagine a newsletter that not only helped keep you up-to-date on new products and local government policies that affected your business, but actually helped save you money on your next order– seeing that in your inbox would be a great way to start the day!

That’s what the newsletter from Carey Wiper & Supply aims to be: a welcome, trusted source of information that will help your business save and grow, while helping you plan for the future.

Use the link, below, to sign up for our newsletter today. You’ll receive a welcome email and a special offer from our sales staff right away– and if it’s not for you (even though we’re pretty sure it will be), you’ll be able to unsubscribe any time you like. Give it a try!